G3+ Celebrates MOTHER’S DAY with Staff Members Mothers

On this Mother’s Day 2019, G3+ store Surat takes a step to explain the importance of mother in everybody’s life. The most popular store in Surat city invited the Mothers of the Top Employees to come and receive gifts as an honor from the store to celebrate their real values in everybody’s life.

Mr. Jigar Patel – Owner of G3+ Store Surat organized a social event for his employees. He wants to bring the importance and value of his mother to everybody’s life. Also, mothers see the success of their children after the struggle. G3+ Store heartily appreciates that mothers who make their child as a successful person in their life, for this reason, organized the event on the occasion of Mother’s Day to give a gift as an honor to them for their child success who contributes the services in the store from some being as an honest, loyal and hardworking members.

Mother’s Day is an occasion that is celebrated in the world to express respect, honor, and love towards our mothers. The day we respect our mother’s efforts, struggle, Scarifies for their children without expecting the returns. She always wants his/her child future bright and never wants his/ her child also suffers from the same. She always prays for a better life for his/her child. A mother is only a creature who is synonyms of god. Mother is a pillar of the family and to respect her is our first duty. To explain the importance of mother –  famous line જનનીની જોડ સખી! નહી જડે રે લોલ lines written by famous Gujarati poet Damodar Khusaldas Bottadkar. He explains to us that no one can take the place of mother in our life.

Mother's Day Team Photo
Mother’s Day Team Photo


Mother's Day Photo
Mother’s Day Photo


Mr. Jigar Patel Appreciated & Honored by Offering them Gifts
Mr. Jigar Patel Appreciated & Honored by Offering them Gifts


World Mother's Day celebration
World Mother’s Day celebration

In the different parts of the world Mother’s Day celebration for the scarifies, efforts, and struggle of a mother for their child and G3+ store Surat.